Saturday, December 22, 2012

How to choose a designer for your logo

With thousands of design agencies and graphic designers available, it is hard to choose the right designer or design agency for your business logo. Here are a few tips that could help you out.

1.    Experience

Check out how long they have been working. See the previous design projects in the portfolio section and they will provide you a good idea of the skill set they have and the quality of design you can expect. A strong portfolio is often the best indicator of the quality of designs that your chosen designer or design agency provides.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Why is Good Website Navigation Important?

Thanks to the internet, mass amounts of information related to virtually any topic is now available at the mere push of a button. Even if we want to cross-analyze a company’s product or services in terms of their benefits, our first stop is on the company’s website. Consequently, we become impatient if a website becomes hard to figure out – if the links are not obvious, we click away, never to return. 

Website navigation is really important as it determines the effectiveness of a website. Good website navigation makes a website user-friendly and also makes sense to the user. Creativity aside, the basic navigational layout for each website is pretty similar. However, when designing the navigational elements of a website, web designers must keep in mind two things:

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Balancing Navigation and Attractiveness

Designing a website requires a blend of website design, quality content and overall structure. These fields are sufficiently important in grasping viewer’s attentions and assuring regular visits. However, two most important element of consideration for designing a website are the color scheme and usability of the website. Both these elements are critical in grasping user’s attention on one hand, while providing convenience on the other. Website designers play with color schemes in relation with the content they put on the website including, images, buttons, links, text, etc. while allowing simple navigation of the website.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Common Errors in Custom Web Designs

Today, for a small or medium business enterprise it is essential to own a corporate website. But before you start designing a custom website or hiring a professional for the job, it is important to be aware of the common mistakes that are made in designs.  Two common mistakes that web designers and developers make include excessive flash usage and contact information misplacement. Following tips will help you avoid them and get the website to succeed among your target audience. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Understanding your Client for Custom Logo Designs

Designing a professional logo is one of the most challenging tasks for designers. This is because custom logo designs require designers to portray the true essence of the business and highlight the brad value. Most of the time it gets difficult for them to balance design, text and requirement of the clients. Some of the best professional logo designers in the world arrange a meeting with their clients to understand their requirements and analyze business activities. It is useful to ask questions, like what message the business wants to convey to their customer or what color scheme do they think represent their business type. Once the designers have this information, they can provide a framework of actual design. Logos are visual representation of the company image and brand identity. Therefore, it is important for designers to initially discuss client’s requirements and expectations. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Influence of Color Schemes on Custom Website Designs

Color schemes are the most essential element in gaining viewer attention. Selecting a color scheme for a website design is one of the most important and probably the most difficult task for designers. Color schemes should reflect the true nature and essence of the business. Most of the time website colors are influenced by logo design of the brand. Logo designs are used to represent the brand image and to give familiar touch to the website, designers fit in similar color scheme for website designs. However, there is no hard and fast rule to follow but being certain about the color to be used in the website will help during the design phase. 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

About Infinity Logo Design

Infinity logo design is number 1 online design company with a proven experience of over a decade. Infinity logo design offers custom logo designs, websites, brochures, stationeries, promotional items etc.
Infinity logo design is extremely popular amongst small and medium sized businesses because it offers extremely low priced packages with high quality design in fastest turnaround time. It offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee and serving clientele from across 30 diversified industries.