Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Balancing Navigation and Attractiveness

Designing a website requires a blend of website design, quality content and overall structure. These fields are sufficiently important in grasping viewer’s attentions and assuring regular visits. However, two most important element of consideration for designing a website are the color scheme and usability of the website. Both these elements are critical in grasping user’s attention on one hand, while providing convenience on the other. Website designers play with color schemes in relation with the content they put on the website including, images, buttons, links, text, etc. while allowing simple navigation of the website.

For a custom website design, selecting a color scheme requires deep understanding of human psyche and its impact on human emotions. Red color is alarming so whenever designers want to attract the viewers’ attention towards a “point of action” they normally use red color. However, red color is not specified with buttons or other noticeable areas of the webpage. Any color can be use to present a sensitive area on the website, depending on the color scheme. Consider a custom website design for a drinking water brand which will use blue color on the website theme, because people associate blue color with water, purity or cleanliness.

Interactive websites can draw greater attention than informative websites. Therefore website usability is another important element of consideration for custom website designers, particularly if the website is a B2B or B2C. Most of these sites contain so much information that it becomes very difficult for viewers to extract out their desired information. It can easily be observed that these websites are low on design and contains a lot of text on the homepage which often distracts the user. Adding an animated movie to custom website design will definitely simply business processes and improves customer usability.

1 comment:

  1. Good navigation is very important for the website.Because navigate only reach the correct landing page of website.
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