Thursday, October 11, 2012

Understanding your Client for Custom Logo Designs

Designing a professional logo is one of the most challenging tasks for designers. This is because custom logo designs require designers to portray the true essence of the business and highlight the brad value. Most of the time it gets difficult for them to balance design, text and requirement of the clients. Some of the best professional logo designers in the world arrange a meeting with their clients to understand their requirements and analyze business activities. It is useful to ask questions, like what message the business wants to convey to their customer or what color scheme do they think represent their business type. Once the designers have this information, they can provide a framework of actual design. Logos are visual representation of the company image and brand identity. Therefore, it is important for designers to initially discuss client’s requirements and expectations. 

Designer needs to make sure that professional logo should represent brand or business identity. Illustrations, designs, font type, colors and concepts used for children wear brand, for suppose, cannot be used for professional organizations, like banks. Therefore it is important that a custom logo should be designed keeping in view business or brand identity. Another important element of consideration for custom logo designs is that they can be printed without distorting the actual deign. Limiting colors to be used in the logo and cleanliness of the design should be carefully managed. Colors that are used in a company logo design are also used for other designs and these colors become the company primary colors.  However, designers should make sure to limit logo colors from 2 to 3 colors maximum. Sometimes the logo needs to be designed in black and white; using many colors in a logo will lose much of its value when used in this manner.  Keeping these things in mind designer will be able to design an attractive and appealing logo design.

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