Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Web designs that increase customer retention

For an interactive user-experience, a website should possess multiple metrics such as quality content, relevant and adequate information and an outstanding design. Here are some important elements that enhance the overall look and feel of a website:

An outstanding logo: The first thing that any user will notice as the page loads is the website logo. So it’s important that the logo should be clear, visible and have a strong tagline just below it. The best place for the logo on a website is the top left corner of a website. Website logos in the centre of the page are not as effective as those on the top left. 

Plain Header: The top right portion of the website should be spacious and should have important information such as the website phone number, contact options, etc. 

Clear navigation: Navigation is one of the most important elements of a website. It allows the user to easily visit different pages of the website. If the navigation of the website is complex, it will become difficult for any user to browse their desired pages and they may even close the website. Hence it is very essential that the website should be designed to provide a clear distinction between different navigation tabs. 

Consistent design: Consistency is one of the key elements of a high-quality website.  A sudden change in design disengages the user and may confuse them. Therefore the website design and colour should ideally maintain the same theme throughout.

Simple yet creative design: A website design, if simple yet creative, can draw a million eyes.  A cluttered, colour-rich website serves to only confuse and baffle the visitor as they do not exactly know where to focus. No wonder, some of the most visited websites have a simple yet effective design. 

Use of images: Try not to use many images. This will make the website very heavy and will not load quickly. 

Text format: The font used on the website should be clear and readable. Avoid using too many different colours in font and headings. Keeping the website font consistent helps to give it a balanced look.

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