Monday, January 28, 2013

The Logo Design Process from Start to Finish

A logo is an important aspect of the company’s corporate brand identity. Its colours, fonts, shapes and images define a business philosophy. A logo is the centrepiece of any brand and an effective, professional logo creates a lasting impression on the customers’ mind. An appropriate logo design makes the customers recognize the company immediately. It inspires the elements of trust, admiration, respect and an implied superiority.

A great logo is distinctive, unique, simple, and easily identifiable and is able to convey the business message effectively. It builds brand equity and recognition over the passage of time, yet it looks fresh for a very long time.

To design an appropriate logo, designers follow a proper process, which is described below.

1. Design Brief

In this step, the designer conducts a questionnaire or a brief interview with the client to find out about their business, requirements and preferences. Once the client provides the information about their requirements, the designer has almost all the information they need to start on the logo design.

2. Research
In the research step, the designer performs thorough research on the client’s industry, their business and its history. They look at the client’s competitors logos and other popular logos in the industry.

3. Reference
Next, the designer also conducts research into the successful logo designs, current styles and trends that may be relevant to the client’s design brief. Research is an important step in the logo design process as it helps to come up with an original and distinctive design that sets a business apart from its competitors.

4. Sketching
In this step, the designer actually starts working on the client’s design. Design concepts are developed as per the brief and results of research. This is when the designer brainstorms, sketches the ideas, uses their creativity and skill with the designs.

5. Reflection
The sketches made in the previous step take their form in this step. The designer chooses the best designs, generates them on the computer and further develops them. Different fonts, typefaces, colours, styles and layouts are experimented and initial concepts are generated.

6. Client’s Feedback & Approval
Once the initial concepts are created, they are sent to client for the feedback. Based on the client’s feedback and preferences, the chosen design is amended and improved. The design is revised until the customer is happy with it.

7. Delivery
The final logo designs are delivered to client in the file formats they require e.g. EPS, JPG, PNG and TIFF formats.

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