Friday, April 17, 2015

In argument of Eye Candy - Infinity Logo Design

We have all gone through the discussions within the design community which dismiss the role of “beauty” in visual interfaces, strictly insisting the web and logo designers to stick to the base of their choices of branding choice matters or to basic design ideology. Deep into the debate is an understanding of the influential role aesthetics play in determining how users distinguish, feel and retort.   Consider how the term ‘eye candy’ suggests that visual design is indispensable. Our language constraints visual designs to plain styling and annihilate aesthetics and usability, as if they are diverse considerations. Nevertheless, if we transfer the tête-à-tête away from graphical rudiments and in its place focus on aesthetics, or “the discipline of how things are identified via the senses,” we discover that this difference between how something looks and how it functions is fairly artificial.  

Why Aesthetics?
For beginners, aesthetics is concerned with everything that appeals to the right mind. It just does not include what we see, but also what we hear, smell, feel and taste. In a nutshell, it is everything we perceive and interpret in this world. Professional designers at Infinity Logo Design believe, it is essential to consider every stimulus that might be dominating interactions. Perhaps more notably, “aesthetics examines our affective domain response to an object or phenomenon” (according to Wikipedia). The respective statement elaborates that aesthetics is merely not about the merit of web buttons or their visual effects but also about hoe users respond to those element.

Cognition and Aesthetics
The process of knowing is called cognition. We learn to understand the surroundings around us based on patterns and experiences; what message does this color transmits? What happens if I push that? Etc. As cognitive science investigates how people know things whereas aesthetics play a crucial role in cognitive processing. Illustrated in the example below which one of these is clearly a button? And why?
Infinity Logo Design

Aesthetics communicate functionality. The button on the right resembles a physical button. The gradient shading and the beveled edges removes all doubts about its function. In the above case, these are distinctiveness of affordance, which is an aspect of design that helps a user to ascertain how they might interact with an object. Similarly, there is a reason that good confirmation screens have tick mark likely to be of green color: green is good. Yellow involves thinking. Red is bad and dangerous. While designing, it is mandatory to consider how the brain interprets different colors and their meaning, shading etc. in the illustration below, the visual language of conflicts with the purpose of the message.

Infinity Logo Design

There’s much more to aesthetics than just addressing function and more to styling than simple delight.

Affect and Aesthetics
The mention of affect adheres to feelings and emotions- not simply about the “how I feel about the certain brand”, attitude and emotions, but concerning the ways in which they dominate apparent and actual usability. Let’s look the first example with a little change:

Infinity Logo Design

Both of the above buttons are obviously buttons. Nothing seems to be wrong with both the buttons, however, research on attention, persuasion, happiness, learning and choice propose that the more attractive the button is the more likely it is to be used by most users.

Product persona dominates user perceptions. It is as simply defined as how quickly we build our perception about some who dress or present themselves. Similarly, the user interface design decisions also affect the perceived personality of the applications and the website on the whole. Hence, aesthetics are as necessary as the functionality or usability of a website.  Such combination of usability and aesthetics can be easily seen in the portfolio of infinity logo design agency to inquire more about their work contact them on 1-866-964-5646. Infinity Logo design have risen at a very rapid speed in the industry of logo and website designing. Infinity Logo design reviews is another testimony of their brilliant services in the industry.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Questions to ask while designing your Brand Logo

Great logos must make a long-lasting impression. They should also be recognizable in a blink. All the big companies have brand logos which are distinctive, iconic, memorable, and stand the test of the time. They immediately identify the brand itself, and drive customer interests and sales. We all have seen and known great logos but what we don’t know is that all great logos are not that trouble-free to create. From concept to choosing colors there is a lot to imitate on when it comes to boiling your brand down to a single emblem. Your brand logo is the fastest way of communication known to customers, so it is very important to get it right the first time. 

Here are some vital questions to ask whilst designing your company’s logo. In addition to further understanding, the work and logos of Infinity logo designs will be discussed concerning each and every question raised below:

Q1: What types of logos are there?
Logos are generally divided in to four categories:
Letterform: consists of single letter e.g. Unilever, Honda etc.
Abstract: abstract logos are like abstract art. The biggest brand to pull it off famously is Nike.
Pictorial: consists of illustration symbols e.g. twitter, starbucks etc.
Wordmarks: consists of multi letter abbreviations and freestanding words e.g. CNN, IBM etc.
Infinity logo design agency has created many different logos for lot of different industry clients ranging from food and beverages to education, from daily deal sites to photography. 

Q2: What type of logo best suits your brand?
Unfortunately, there is no correct answer to this question. The suitability of the logo mainly on the name of your company and the services or products you provide. However, it is in general suitable to use wordmark logo type if you have a short company name. But if you decide to use an abstract logo make sure it mirrors the persona of your brand. Infinity Logo designers have designed range of abstract logos for their clients. Have a look. 

infinity logo design

Q3: What key business points my logo should demonstrate?
Your logo should provide an abrupt sense of what your company is about right from the start. So that when your consumers look at it they should get a real feel about your brand persona and image. The best example is of Amazon, the arrow points from “A” to “Z”, which illustrates that Amazon provides everything and anything. Infinity logo designers carefully consider all the needs of the prospective clients their work demonstrated extreme perfection and professionalism. The image below is one of their many creations.

infinity logo design portfolio 

Q4: what colors will be suitable to use?
Choosing the right color for your brand can be extremely tricky but the trick is to not to use the color your competitors use. Also, considering the color psychology is extremely important as each color evokes different feelings and reactions. The comprehensive designing services by infinity logo designers carefully assess color scheming according to the needs of the clients. Below is an example of their work. 

infinity logo design reviews

Q5: What fonts should be used?  
Fonts are like colors they inspire different emotions. For example, bold fonts represent strength, honorability, justice etc. Designers at infinity logo designing services have designed many of the logo which consists of carefully selected typography and fonts to portray their client’ brands personality. 

infinity logo design

Q6: Whether to hire a logo designer or not?
Even if you are have a decent creative designer or even if you are on a low budget it is recommended that you should leave logo designing to professional logo designers who have the necessary skills needed for a professionally made logo. And as far as cost is concerned there are many good logo designers available in the market that provides quality services on low rates. Infinity logo designers offer a broad range of logo designing services according to your pocket. Their clientele comes from many different industries.