Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Laundry Brand Logo, Designed By Infinity Logo Design

logo designing

Logo is the foremost element that represents a brand. The logo designers use various techniques to create different types of logos. The most common logo designing techniques are typographic, animation, illustration, iconic and themed. In some cases designers use a combination two or more design techniques to design a logo. In case of Triangle Laundry Company, our designers used typographic & illustrative design technique. The end result of this brilliant combination is a great logo of Triangle Laundry Company.

Our client needed a logo that could depict its business genre. For this, designers created an illustration of “firmly clean press cloth hanging in a hanger” that efficiently portrays client’s business. The illustration also includes the alphabet ‘A’ that added a contemporary touch to the overall design. Designers gave a gradient glow effect to the illustration which symbolizes the tidy and spotless laundry services offered by the client.

The black and blue were the colors used to design the logo. These two colors are also famous as the corporate color. The brand name is written in black color that represents the professionalism and power whereas company slogan is written in blue which symbolizes trust and high quality of the client’s services.  The background is in grayish white. Both are basic colors that depict purity and honesty to which Triangle Laundry Company excels.

Creative illustration and perfect selection of font style created the astounding logo for a Laundry brand. The logo is a perfect example of combo design that has brought hundreds of positive Infinity Logo design reviews. You may explore thousands of well-crafted logos available at www.infinitylogodesing.com . Furthermore, call us now at our toll-free number 1-866-964-5646 to find out more about our professional and highly affordable design solutions.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Motor Sports Professional Website Design, Creation of Infinity Logo Design

Website designing services

The credibility of your online presence over the internet largely depends on the design of your website. it also plays vital role in developing clients interest. If the design of your website is not professional enough, it might portray an impression of breading brand. The distance between you and your clients is only a click away. In addition, most of the people are now accessing the Internet from their mobile phones, it is important to have a website version that will be adapted to mobile 
Infinity Logo Design has created a responsive web design for Motor Sports. A responsive website design can automatically adjust its display specification according to the display specification of various platforms such as personal computers, Laptops, Android tablets, iPads and smartphones.
Moto Sports contacted Infinity Logo Design to get a professional website design. Moto Sport is a company that offers sport automobile accessories. Web developers at Infinity Logo Design conducts a thorough research on client’s industry and business competitors to create a professional website that gives a required boost to the client’s business and made a strong online brand image among its competitors.
The web design is comprises  in to three step, a title bar that included tags to various services, a changeable banner where client can post its current offers and services attractions and last step a pinch of USP’s with short description. 
The website background color is black that is adding a corporate look to the website and fonts is in white that is giving a trustable feel to the target audience.  The client’s USP tags are in turquoise color that has given a contemporary touch to the web design.
The end result to all above mentioned initiative taken by Infinity Logo Design web developers is a successful and fully operational responsive web design for an automotive industry brand.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Big Spoon Illustrative Logo Design, Created By Infinity Logo Design

logo designing

To create a logo design that could build a strong brand image requires a detail research on client’s industry and business competitors.  At Infinity Logo Design, industry specific logo designers have sound experience of a particular industry that enable them to create logos that build strong brand identities.

Big Spoon is an online retail store that offers kitchen accessories. They needed a simple and business oriented logo design. The logo designers briefly studied the client industry, business competitors and created an illustrative logo design for Big Spoon. The overall logo design is a true depiction of the client’s business genre. 

Infinity Logo Designers created a smooth illustration of a spoon going through the first letter ‘B’ of Big Spoon. This illustration is not only projecting the client’s business genre, but also representing the brand name itself that is ‘Big Spoon’. Designers kept the typography in contemporary font style that depicts the luxury & high quality of brand.  

The spoon illustration & the slogan ‘Kitchenware’ is in black color whereas the brand name ‘Big Spoon’ is in bright orange color. The creative selection of both color have added much needed attention and a professional feel to the logo. 

Big Spoon is an amazing accessories logo that is added to the Infinity Logo Design Portfolio. The clients, fans & followers have been appreciated us for creating high quality logos which you can read in Infinity Logo Design Reviews. 

If you need a high quality custom logo, Infinity Logo Design provides you the most affordable and high quality logo design packages that are cater to the need of small & big businesses.